Wednesday, December 24, 2014


"Why?" is the question I keep asking myself as I begin my blogging adventure. Why should I write my thoughts down? Are they really worth reading? I'll let you decide that for yourself. But after some thought, I've decided I'll write this blog in the hopes that it will challenge and encourage both myself and others to think. I know I definitely don't think enough, and when I do think I often don't think deeply.

I've entitled the blog "Confessions of a Storyholic" (yes I know that's not a real word; deal with it) because I LOVE a good story. Good stories suck me into their worlds for hours on end. They make me think, dream, imagine, and wonder. The Bible tells the greatest story in all of history (and is itself history), and so sometimes I'll share thoughts from one passage or another. But there are plenty of other stories that are well worth reading/hearing/seeing. So the majority of my posts will deal with extra-Biblical stories.

I always welcome comments, criticisms, suggestions, different viewpoints, etc. I do ask though that you keep your comments respectful and free of profanity and crude language. I hope that as you brave the thoughts that make their way onto this blog you'll be inspired to check out some of the stories I reference and, of course, think.


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